Want to improve your swing AND save money? Here’s how…

Want to improve your swing AND save money? Here’s how…

Let’s face it, most golfers have the same dream - consistent swing and low handicap. Sounds simple enough 😆

What if you could achieve both AND save money? Scam alert! Sounds too good to be true, hear me out…

Step 1 - Buy the best golf net on the planet! 

OK, there is an initial investment to bring your dreams to reality…


Step 2 - Join the Spornia Swing Success program 

The Program is FREE with your purchase, including:


Step 3 - Swing, eat, sleep, repeat

Practice at home whenever you have a spare moment. Swing daily, develop muscle memory and improve your technique.


Step 4 - *Bank your savings

Based on 3 practice sessions per week - Practice Net vs Driving Range.

 Home Practice Net

Total $499 - 799

 Driving Range

  • Driving Range Cost = $21 x 3 x 52 = $3,276
  • Petrol = 39 hrs driving at 45 kph = 1,755 km @ $1.89 per litre = $275
  • Other Costs: car maintenance, arguments every time you leave etc
  • Driving Time = 15m x 3 x 52 = 2,340 mins / 60 = 39 hrs (which could be spent hitting balls)

Total $3,551++

 So, there you have it - one-off investment of $499 or $799 vs $3.5k+ per year... lower handicap lessgo!


*Assumptions: 15 minutes drive to Driving Range, medium bucket of balls costs $21.