Winter hath come… time for target practice?

Here’s 5 good reasons to get your Spornia golf net set up at home for winter:
1. Practice in your trackies
Rock those trackies and fuzzy slippers while perfecting your swing.
2. Improve your relationship and your game
Spend more time at home without giving up your love of golf.
3. Freedom of expression
Miss-hit and swear like a sailor without scandalising the golf club crowd (best practised in the garage if you have a partner / kids).
4. Hot Toddies on tap
Forget about waiting for the 19th hole - the clubhouse is a few steps away.
5. Insomniac friendly
Practice your swing at 3 am? More fun than counting sheep!
Did we mention the weather? Stay cozy, comfy, and keep swinging!
If you need any more inspo, click the video above to see net set-up tips from the Spornia community.
Master your swing and cut your handicap at home with the Spornia Swing Success program